Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hello everyone I am back!  It took awhile to find that right work at home opportunity BUT I finally found it.  I have become a beachbody coach and absolutely love it!  Helping people with programs such as P90x, Insanity, Brazil Butt Lift, Turbo Fire, so many to choose from and all fantastic workouts. 

I spent so much time looking for that all too easy work from home schemes, looking to make a fast buck and that's where I was so wrong....NOTHING will just fall in your lap that easily....until I found beachbody!  Let me explain is not a get rich quick type of company.  You do have to work to get ahead, like anything in life - the more you put into it the more you will receive.

I bought into so many online scams that promised me the world.  Maybe if I had the slightest idea of internet marketing, I may have been ok.  No, I do not have the foggiest idea of how to network and promote...although I am learning as you are reading this are you not? 

When I signed up to be a coach, I was very skeptical and figured this too would be a waste of my time, boy was I wrong.  The support that is provided to coaches is fantastic, never treated like you were asking stupid questions ( which I know I did and likely still do).  During the time that I spent learning, I actually made my first sale. 

Send me an email and let's get you started in this fantastic journey of helping others reach their goals while you reach yours too!

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